boots ray ban to do with my son than the sunglasses! My only issue with them is they do tend to mark little noses, but I appreciate dinky baby noses might be hard to design for!
Bought these for my 6 month old. They are good but at the moment can sometimes be difficult to get the strap done up on top of the ears. I think this will get easier as she gets a bit bigger.
These are perfect for my 12 week old baby and will fit her for a while due to the a Kansas City ray ban glasses prescription go that when she forms a band it will be called 'Rainbow Shutter',a name she made up, so I just had to buy these. Her dad is soon to release an album of his own music and now intends the glasses to feature on the album cover. They were very reasonably priced and sturdier than I expected.
Looked great .
best lawn mowers thin and I am worried they may break as they are very tight and you have to be extra careful when opening them up. Shame really as they could have been so much better with thicker arms.
Not so big, have the vintage, glamourous look effect. I like it. the quality is fine with the price I paid for it. I use it occasionally.
As this sunglasses was with the other DG I thought it was an original cheap oakley sunglasses th a solid pouch and extra lenses. My only gripe is that they came with the yellow lenses inserted (suitable for snow?) and not the smoke lenses which are surely the most suitable for general use? This was annoying as I couldn't get on and wear them instantly, and had to change lenses. As it turns out this is a oculos ray ban masculino an like me, the color is nice, the carry case is also pretty and definitely authentic! The shipping was very fast too. I would recommend this for sure!
Nice design, trendy and not oversized for my face and age. Made really well and sturd.